The Beauty Bar, Maine Woman Entrepreneur Highlight

Sometimes all you need is some positive energy, just to spend time with one of those special people who is surrounded by such amazing energy that it's infectious. We were lucky enough to snag some time with the lovely Christine from The Beauty Bar for, as she so eloquently put it, some “coffee talk.” More importantly it gave us some time to soak up some of that brightening, beautifying energy that she has. 

The world is hard right now, money is tight and the economy is worrisome for everyone, times are hard, the world news is devastating at best. For years now with Covid, so many women are trying to make it all happen for their families and themselves at all times. It's a balancing act where everyone is taking a hit. It can make many women hesitate to spend that money on themselves, especially for what many view as luxuries, such as hair, makeup, and other beauty needs. Christine talked a little about the importance of self care and filling up your own cup. 

“It is a luxury in a sense, but its self care before it is a luxury. If Covid taught us anything it was to make that a priority because a lot of us being able to stay home realized how much we were putting ourselves last.” 

And it's so true. You can't take care of yourself if you don't make the time for yourself. This is something that resonates for many women, but unfortunately many still do not take the time for themselves that they need in order to be who and what they are meant to be. Christine pointed out, “When you take time for yourself, you become your most authentic self.” If Christine could give her younger self some advice she would say: “To stop trying to do everything yourself.” 

We think this message will resonate with so many women the same way it did with us.

Our favorite part of spending time at The Beauty Bar is how they approach their client appointments. This time with them is YOUR time. They care about you and your experience and recognize that this self care is important for you and your well being. The appointment is all about you and your needs. And let's be real here ladies, we all need that type of care, and the majority of us are not getting it…

One amazing and unique feature available at The Beauty Bar, is the option to book a “Silent Appointment.” They truly are so focused on their clients needs and wants, that they recognize that sometimes you do not want to chat about life as your hair is transformed. So many of us lead busy, loud lives; constantly bombarded with noise, so many things demanding our attention and time. Booking an appointment for that necessary self care AND having the option to make it totally silent is an exceptional recognition of catering to all forms of a client’s self care. 

The goal of The Beauty Bar is that of transformation. Yes you will leave with a beautiful new do’ and a flawlessly applied face, but they would like to think you also leave with a transformative view of yourself, your value, your worth, and your beauty. Beauty comes from within and you have to love yourself. And let's be honest for a moment, at least with the BA Team–our salon visits double as our therapy sessions. 

“I have always been inspired by transformation. I like seeing what transformation can do for people.”

It’s safe to say that the experience at The Beauty Bar is about so much more than surface beauty. They are focused on your inner happiness too. They want everyone to feel like their best self. There is so much more to beauty than how a person looks. They want everyone to feel like they leave as their authentic beautiful self. It is truly a mind and body experience to book a service at The Beauty Bar. 

“That's something we really, really care about at The Beauty Bar. We know when you come in that's your time. Your money, your experience, your time, so it needs to be what you want it to be. Our job is to tap into what's inside and bring that out.”

Christine is the amazing, energetic, loving and driving force behind The Beauty Bar. She had so much insight, love, and information for us. We are in awe of her. Chrsitine opened her first salon in 2009, purchasing Sheer Madness after its former owner passed away. The Beauty Bar formed in 2014 and grew from 3 people to at one point 27 employees! Christine eventually recognized the need to make time for self care and to ensure the demands we place on ourselves are sustainable and impact our life in positive ways. 

“So I took a step from behind the chair and really started to focus on running my business instead of letting it run me.” Christine knew how hard she was pushing, always running, always working. Always helping everyone and focusing on everyone else's needs was affecting her health. “We always think that the next best thing is going to be what it takes to make us feel better, and it doesn't work like that, we just will keep looking for that next best thing.”  Taking this step back really made her realize the importance of self care and its effect on your health and mentality. It then became a huge part of her focus and her why to help others make themselves a priority. 

“Money does not fuel me. Yes, money brings us happiness. It gives us everything we need and want to have fun and create a great life for ourselves and our family. But I believe more in having fun and just being positive and allowing money to come to you instead of always chasing it. Money is just the energy you give it.”

While she didn't set out to have a business completely operated by women, that is how things ended up. Her business being woman-centered in both employee and client base just kind of happened, “You attract what you put out.” Christine doesn't focus on gender when hiring, but believes in the special power and quality of empathy women have. She always looks to hire good people, with good energy and a confident, positive attitude, those special humans of the world that are… know non-assholes!! The people she found just happened to all end up being women. 

Another unique aspect of The Beauty Bar is its schedule. Christine has such passion for the art of self care, and balancing work and life and downtime that she looks to what's best for her employees lives and well being. In that spirit, The Beauty Bar is closed on weekends. When asked if this was a difficult decision to make Christine responded, “No, not really. I have been a Mom, I've been there, I've watched my team, we're not that busy on the weekends anyways and I just wanted them to have that kinda 9-5 job so they can have that work life balance. So it was not a difficult decision.” The Beauty Bar of course will accommodate their beloved clients when there is a real need, but they really set the standard in looking out for one's employees.

Christine always knew she wanted to work with hair. Even as a child, hair and changing up the look of it really intrigued her.  “What really bothered me is all the dolls had the same color hair. I was a blond growing up and had blue eyes so all the dolls looked like me. And I found that really annoying. Why can't she have brown hair? So I would dip their hair in Kool-Aid and chocolate pudding.”

Christine wants to help people, she wants to make them feel like their true selves, and transform their energy and lift their spirits. We all know how amazing you feel when you walk out of a salon visit. Getting beauty treatments makes you feel like you're on top of the world! And it's not the new hair or fancy makeup. It’s the reminder of the beauty inside of us and of the power of our unique femininity. 

“You can do anything. You're a better person. Beauty inspires that intuition within. It brings out that spirit.”

The beauty industry can often be misunderstood and underappreciated, there are challenges unique to the industry and challenges that virtually every business has faced or currently faces due to the Covid realities of today's world. Finding good employees is a big one. We can only imagine it is compounded when searching for the quality, passionate employees The Beauty Bar boasts. “A Lot of people got out of the industry after covid…A Lot of people have lost their why.” 

…If that doesn't ring true for so many of us, regardless of our industry or lifestyle.

Many people underestimate the skill and passion it requires to work in the beauty industry, to care and cater to your clients needs and refill their bucket with a little love and devotion when they sit in your chair. Covid helped many people realize just how much they should appreciate their salon and just how needed these amazing beauty artists are.

Christine wouldn't change the industry she is in and the business she has built. Even to this day long after she came from behind the chair to now working behind the scenes from home, she shared that she still holds those amazing times working behind the chair with the team, showing up every day and seeing her work family, feeling the camaraderie as her favorite memories.  

We asked Christine who in her life has truly inspired her. Her answer was a beautiful and powerful one that speaks to the strength we draw from the women who come before us. 

“So many people, but I would have to say my Memere-my grandmother. She was independent, divorced, way back when that was unheard of and she owned her own business. She had a rooming house on Lincoln St in Lewiston. So I have always admired her. She was always single after her divorce and just kind of stayed with herself and did her own thing” …… She just showed up every day for herself.” 

Wow…let's all do better at showing up for ourselves every single day.

(207) 417-6348

36 Millett Dr. Auburn, ME 04210


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