Portland, Maine Model Call & Open Casting

Beaux and Arrows Model Call Open Casting Maine Catalog Print

Model Guide | Castings & Go-See Interviews

The Beaux and Arrows Collective

Why This Experience Matters:

These experiences are not just about showing up and hoping for the best; they are pivotal moments that can shape your career and personal growth in ways you might not yet realize. Go-see casting interviews are more than just a foot in the door—they're a chance to leave a lasting impression, to showcase not just your outer beauty but your inner confidence, your adaptability, and your unique presence. Every casting is an opportunity to connect with industry leaders, understand the nuances of different brands, and refine your craft.

The Impact on Your Career:

These interviews are your platform to demonstrate your versatility, your professionalism, and your dedication. They allow you to build relationships, gain exposure, and position yourself as a serious contender in the industry. The connections you make today can open doors to future opportunities, long-term collaborations, and ultimately, a successful and fulfilling career.

How to Make It Work for You:

To truly benefit from these experiences, embrace them with enthusiasm and a growth mindset. Prepare meticulously—know the Agency, and seek to learn the Brands contracted throughout, practice your walk, and perfect your presentation. But beyond that, be yourself. Authenticity shines through, and casting directors are looking for more than just a pretty face; they want to see your personality, your passion, and your potential.


Remember, every go-see is a stepping stone on your journey. Use these moments to learn, to grow, and to showcase the best version of yourself. Believe in your worth, embrace the process, and know that each experience, whether it leads to an immediate job or not, is an invaluable part of your growth as a model and as an individual. Go out there, shine bright, and let the world see the amazing person you are! 

You have everything it takes to succeed. Trust in your abilities, stay focused, and keep pushing forward. The impact of these experiences will be profound—both in your career and in your personal development. So, go out there with confidence and make every moment count!

What to Bring

Portfolio/Comp Cards

  • Portfolio: Curate 8-10 professional photos showcasing your versatility in looks and expressions. Ensure your portfolio reflects your current appearance and is updated regularly.

  • Comp Cards: Bring multiple copies of your comp card, including your best images, essential stats (height, measurements, etc.), and contact information.


  • Main Outfit: Wear fitted dark wash jeans paired with a simple black or white t-shirt or tank top. This ensemble should highlight your physique without being too flashy.

  • Shoes: Pack both black or nude heels (3-4 inches) and a pair of flats. Choose styles that compliment your height and are comfortable to walk in.

  • Alternate Outfit: Consider bringing a secondary outfit tailored to the brand or casting director’s preference.

Makeup & Hair

  • Makeup: Opt for minimal makeup—think BB cream or light foundation, a touch of mascara, and a natural lip color. The goal is to enhance your features subtly.

  • Hair: Ensure your hair is neat and polished but still looks natural. Curly hair should be well-defined, while straight hair should be sleek. Avoid heavy styling products to maintain natural movement.

Emergency Kit

  • Essentials: Include breath mints, gel deodorant, a small sewing kit, a hairbrush, and travel-sized toiletries.

  • Additional Items: Bring a snack (like a granola bar), a bottle of water, a small lint roller, and an umbrella for emergencies.

Tools That Help

Digital Planner/Calendar
Use apps like Google Calendar or specialized modeling apps to track your go-see appointments. Note locations, times, and any specific requirements for each casting.

Mirror Compact
Carry a small, discreet mirror for quick touch-ups on your makeup and hair before meeting the casting director.

Stylish Tote Bag
Choose a chic yet functional tote bag that’s large enough to carry all your essentials without being bulky. A well-organized bag is a sign of professionalism.

Preparation Tips

Research the Brand or Agency

  • Understand the Brand Aesthetic: Dive into the brand’s website and social media to grasp their target audience and style. Align your look and demeanor with their brand identity.

  • Know the Casting Director: If possible, research the casting director to understand their preferences and previous work. This insight helps tailor your presentation.

Practice Your Walk

  • Runway Skills: If a runway walk is required, practice ahead of time. Focus on your posture, stride, and eye contact. A confident walk can set you apart.

  • Presence: Hone your overall presence—how you enter a room, your body language, and your ability to convey confidence without arrogance.

Mental Preparation

  • Confidence Building: Visualize a successful outcome. Practice deep breathing exercises to stay calm and composed.

  • Conversation Skills: Prepare a brief introduction and be ready to discuss your experience and why you’re a great fit. Be authentic and personable.

Punctuality & Follow-Up


  • Aim to arrive at least 15 minutes early unless an open call time frame is defined. 

  •  If you’re visiting for an open call, arrive within the first thirty-minutes to an hour of the event . This allows time to settle in, observe your surroundings, and make any last-minute adjustments.


  • Always be courteous and respectful to everyone, from the receptionist to the casting director.

  • Remember: Etiquette and professionalism are well-remembered


  • Within 24 hours, send a brief thank-you email to the casting director or agent. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your enthusiasm for the role or potential future opportunities. Keep it professional and concise.

  • Remember: Grammar and punctuation matter


Model Go-See Casting Checklist

What to Bring

  •  Portfolio: 8-10 high-quality, PRINTED, updated photos.

  •  Comp Cards: Multiple copies with best images, stats, and contact info.

  •  Main Outfit: Fitted dark wash jeans, black/white t-shirt or tank top.

  •  Shoes: Black/nude heels (3-4 inches) and flats.

  •  Alternate Outfit: Optional, brand-specific.

Makeup & Hair

  •  Makeup: Minimal (BB cream/light foundation, mascara, natural lip color).

  •  Hair: Neat and polished with minimal product.

Emergency Kit

  •  Breath mints, gel deodorant, sewing kit, hairbrush.

  •  Snack, water, lint roller, umbrella

Tools That Help

  •  Digital Planner/Calendar: Track appointments, locations, times, and requirements.

  •  Mirror Compact: For quick touch-ups.

  •  Stylish Tote Bag: Chic, functional, and well-organized.

Preparation Tips

  •  Research Brand/Agency: Study aesthetic, audience, and style.

  •  Know the Casting Director: Understand preferences and past work.

  •  Practice Runway Walk: Focus on posture, stride, and eye contact.

  •  Build Confidence: Visualize success, practice deep breathing.

  •  Prepare Conversation: Be ready to discuss experience and fit.

Punctuality & Follow-Up

  •  Arrive 15 minutes early (or within the first 30 minutes for open calls).

  •  Professionalism: Be courteous and respectful to everyone.

  •  Send thank-you email within 24 hours: Express gratitude and enthusiasm, double-check grammar and punctuation.


Rebecca Pinkham-Stevenson


September 2024 Photography Workshop: Beach Family Portraits