I love you

In the heart of our haven, where love finds its grace,

In whispers of mornings and night's tender embrace,

I pen these words with gratitude profound,

For you, my love, in every joy, I've found.

In mornings aglow and the dusk's gentle hue,

Your presence, a treasure, forever true.

A beacon of strength in life's ebb and flow,

Your unwavering love, like a comforting glow.

In each shared laughter, every heartfelt gaze,

In the depth of silence, where our love stays,

Your kindness and warmth, an endless sea,

Guiding us through life's serenity.

In moments tender, in trials we've met,

Your steadfast love, a shelter, a safety net.

Through seasons of life, with you by my side,

A love story blossoms, with love as our guide.

In whispers soft, and a heart's gentle hum,

I cherish the journey, forever begun.

With gratitude, my love, in every way,

For being my light in the night and the day.

So, here I stand, with my heart unfurled,

In this ode to love, in a grateful world.

For you, my dear, my heart's chosen one,

Thank you for being my rising sun.

Forever and always, in love's sweet song,

Together we stand, forever lifelong.

With love eternal,



Empowering Elegance: Safe Posing in Boudoir Photography with Rebecca Pinkham


Elegance Redefined: Unveiling Premier Boudoir Portraits by Rebecca Pinkham