Rebecca Pinkham

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Meet The Team: Nikki!!

The one and only, Nikki Fowler: Beaux and Arrow’s Content Executive. She slays at writing our engaging blogs, she knows how to effectively target our audience while balancing being a mother, a wife, a friend, and helping build her family’s wellness coaching business. This woman does it all, and we are so honored that she works with us. We learn from her every day through her life lessons, her stories, and her ideas of how we can become more successful at Beaux and Arrows. 

When I FaceTimed Nikki a couple months ago, I got to learn so much more about her personal life. Even just through a simple FaceTime chat, our conversation felt organic and natural; Nikki often has that effect on people as she makes it so easy to have a conversation. 

“I was born in Bamberg, Germany, on a US Military Base, but I grew up in Central Maine, graduated high school from, and still live in the Belgrade Lakes Region in Maine. My children attend the same school district both my husband and myself graduated from.”

Being born in Germany is such a unique fun-fact, so we wanted to share that tidbit with you all! 

I was curious about Nikki’s life as she told me that she is a mother of four as well so I wanted to know a little more about what she dedicates her time to!

“My primary focus for the last year and a half has been being a stay at home mom. I had some side work with virtual assisting, content writing, and client/social management to help my family make ends meet but focusing on being available to my kids is my priority. 

A few months ago I began focusing on adding more hours to my workload–which is where B&A came in, and I am loving it here. I also joined forces with my two sisters and our mom to grow and launch a women's wellness and health coaching business, which focuses on supporting professionals specializing in women’s health and wellness.”

How does she do it all? Can the world have a few more Nikki’s? Please?

At B&A, we strive to make a constant and consistent impact on the communities we serve. So we asked Nikki what impact she wants to make. 

“I just want to help people, especially women and even more specifically mothers. I really enjoy caring for others and helping people, so I would love to spend my life doing that. I love to be there for others: to be available for venting, advice, and being a wise friend. I would love to be that person for more people. I take a lot of pride in my children and raising them to be kind, caring, authentic, and responsible people who help others and stand up for what's right. I believe that leaving decent humans behind when I go is a big important impact I want to make on this world.”

Nikki’s tenacity towards what she strongly believes in is contagious, and we hope you as our readers feel the same.

Mothers are a key focus for us at Beaux and Arrows. As mothers, we take care of children, take care of our partners and other family members, and take care of the home, but do we ever take time to take care of ourselves? 

More often than not, we are put on the back burner due to a variety of reasons e.g. burnout and exhaustion or lack of time. However, at Beaux and Arrows, we are shifting the way mothers are viewed in the home, the workplace, and as a reflection of themselves. Yes, we can be mothers and have it all. We support you. We validate you. We are here for you. 

All of us at Beaux and Arrows had such unique answers about where our favorite places are in Maine and outside of the state. Nikki loves to be “Up North” and  on “Dirt Roads.”  

“My whole family and I love our time up north in the woods. It’s a special place to visit and is a mental recharge. I don't really go outside of Maine all that often and have never really gone far, but I do enjoy visiting  New Hampshire as we usually go to the mountains and do some shopping once a year or so.”

Although as a team at Beaux and Arrows we are all hard-working and dedicated, we do enjoy our time practicing our hobbies and spending time with our loved ones. 

“I love spending time with my family/friends, and watching my children's sporting events. I love to exercise. I also love reading and listening to audiobooks! I also enjoy just relaxing and recharging from a busy full life.”

As most of you all know, we love making everybody feel sexy, confident, and at home in their own skin. When you surround yourself with good energy and body positivity, it will radiate wherever you go. We all have something special that makes us feel sexy, and for Nikki, “freshly shaven legs with lotion” is what makes her feel the sexiest. 

For those who have read a little excerpt about Nikki’s life, we want to end the blog on a piece of advice that Nikki would like to share with her readers.

“Be yourself, be authentic, and genuine to those around you and to love as hard as you can because life is short!”